DWA Zahir (DWA Ziffalat by Falat X DWA Merlot by Sabson) completed his second LD ride on day 4
at the 2020 Autumn Sun ride with his owner, Mary Austin. (Photo by Merri Melde)
Photo on left: DWA Malik (Monarch AH X DWA Croix Blanche by Ala Croixnoire) placed 4th in the 2020 Antelope Island
50 mile ride on Day 2 ridden by Alex Shampoe, owner Jeff Stuart. (Photo by Merri Melde)
Photo on right: DWA Malik and his owner, Jeff Stuart, placed 2nd on day 2 in the 55 mile ride at the 2020 Old Selam.
(Photo by Steve Bradley)
DWA Barack (Moment of Valor by Wiking X DWA French Kiss by Haffir el Rimal) and his owner,
Connie Holloway, completed the LD rides on all three days of the 2020 Old Selam.
(Photo by Steve Bradley)
Photo on left: DWA Zahir (DWA Ziffalat by Falat X DWA Merlot by Sabson) with his owner, Mary Austin,
completed his first LD ride at the 2020 Old Selam on day 1.
Photo on right: DWA Zifhasan (DWA Ziffalat X Royal Perrfection by Monarch AH) with his owner, Anne Aganon,
completed his first LD ride at the 2020 Old Selam ride on day 3. (Photos by Steve Bradley)
Photo on left: DWA Jamal (Darwinn by Ala Croixnoire X Sannanita by Sam Tiki) and his owner, Deb Dickson, tied for 2nd place in the
2020 Top O' the World 100 mile endurance ride. It was DWA Jamal's first 100 mile endurance ride completion.
Photo on right: DWA Barack (Moment of Valor by Wiking X DWA French Kiss by Haffir el Rimal) and his owner, Connie Holloway,
completed the 25 mile ride at the 2020 Top O' the World on day 3. (Photos by David Honan)
DWA Malik (Monarch AH X DWA Croix Blanche by Ala Croixnoire) and his owner, Jeff Stuart,
placed 1st in the 2020 City of Rocks 25 mile ride on Day 1, won the BC award,
and received the high vet score. (Photo by Merri Melde)
DWA Nadra (Falina des Fabries X Royal Perrfection by Monarch AH) and her owner, Anne Aganon, completed the
2020 City of Rocks 50 mile ride on Day 1. DWA Nadra now has completed 1,185 endurance miles and 255 LD miles.
(Photo by Merri Melde)
Photo on left: DWA Barack (Moment of Valor by Wiking X DWA French Kiss by Haffir el Rimal)
completed the 2020 City of Rocks LD rides on Day 2 and Day 3 with Connie Holloway.
Photo on right: DWA Saruq (DWA Ziffalat by Falat X DWA Ebony Starr by Sabson) and his owner,
Connie Holloway, completed the 2020 City of Rocks 50 mile ride on Day 1.
DWA Saruq now has 2,755 endurance miles and 205 LD miles. (Photos by Merri Melde)
Photo on left: 2011 gelding, DWA Jamal (Darwinn by Ala Croixnoire X Sannanita by Sam Tiki) and his owner, Deb Dickson,
placed 4th and won the Best Condition Award in the 2019 Region 9 AHA Championship 55 mile ride. (Photo by John Nowell)
Photo on right: DWA Darius (Darwinn by Ala Croixnoire X DWA Sabforta by Sabson) and his owner Esty Sweet completed
day 2 and day 4 of the 2019 (2020 season) Death Valley Encounter Pioneer 50 mile rides. DWA Darius has now
completed a total of 1,165 endurance miles and 140 LD miles. (Photo by Steve Bradley)
DWA Malik (Monarch AH X DWA Croix Blanche by Ala Croixnoire) and owner, Jeff Stuart, placed in a three way tie for 1st in the 55 mile
ride on day 2 of the 2019 Autumn Sun Pioneer. DWA Saruq (DWA Ziffalat X Ebony Starr by Sabson) and owner, Connie Holloway,
placed 7th in the 55 mile ride at the 2019 Autumn Sun Pioneer. DWA Malik has a total of 850 endurance miles and 105 LD miles.
DWA Saruq has 2,655 endurance miles and 205 LD miles. (Photo of DWA Saruq and Connie by Merri Melde)
2013 gelding, DWA Superman (Monarch AH X DWA Croix Blanche by Ala Croixnoire) completed his fourth 50 mile ride at the
2019 Camp Far West ride. It was his first time carrying his owner, Robert Ribley (a heavyweight rider) in an endurance ride and he did a
great job! Also, the mule Melissa Ribley is riding is adorable and was an excellent endurance buddy for Superman. (Photo by Elicia Kamberg)
DWA Nadra (Falina des Fabries X Royal Perrfection by Monarch AH) with owner, Anne Aganon,
at the 2019 Top O' the World 50 mile ride on day 1 where they completed in 6th place.
DWA Nadra (Falina des Fabries X Royal Perrfection by Monarch AH) and owner, Ann Aganon, on the
left and DWA Saruq (DWA Ziffalat X Ebony Starr by Sabson) and owner Connie Holloway on the right
placed in the top ten of the 2019 Eagle Canyon 50 mile ride. DWA Nadra with Anne and DWA Saruq
with Connie also tied for 3rd place on day 3 at the 2019 City of Rocks ride. (Photo by Merri Melde)
DWA Haffirs Tika (Haffir el Rimal X LZP Royal Tiki by Sam Tiki) completed her first 50 mile endurance ride at the 2019
Laurel Mountain ride with her owner, Laurie Birch (photo on the left). DWA Haffirs Tika completed her second 50 mile
endurance ride at the 2019 Eastern Mojave Pioneer ride at Coso Junction with Laurie (photo on the right).
Tika is off to a good start in her endurance career with Laurie! (Photos by Callie Thornburgh)
Photo on left: DWA Darius and Esty completed the 50 mile rides on Day 2 and Day 4 at the 2018 Death Valley Encounter Pioneer (2019 season). (Photo by Steve Bradley)
Photo on right: DWA Shihab (DWA Ziffalat by Falat X DWA Saralina by Sabson) and Annette Phillips completed the 30 mile 2019 Fire Mountain ride in 5th place and tied for High Vet Score. This was DWA Shihab's 2nd AERC ride. (photo by Gore/Baylor)
DWA Superman (Monarch AH X DWA Croix Blanche by Ala Croixnoire) completed his second 50 mile ride at the
2018 (2019 season), day 2, Coso Junction XP ride with Melissa Ribley. (Photo by Lynne Glazer)
2011 Gelding, DWA Jamal (Darwinn by Ala Croixnoire X Sannanita by Sam Tiki) and his owner, Deb Dickson,
completed the 55 mile ride on day 1 at the 2018 Racing Stripes. (Photo by Remuda Photography)
Photo on left: DWA Saruq (DWA Ziffalat by Falat X Ebony Starr by Sabson) and his owner, Connie Holloway,
placed 5th at the 2018 Owyhee River Challenge 55 mile ride. (Photo by David Honan)
Photo on right: DWA Nadra (Falina des Fabries X Royal Perrfection by Monarch AH) ridden by her owner,
Anne Aganon, placed 6th in the 50 mile ride at the 2018 Eagle Canyon Ride. (Photo by Merri Melde)
Photo on left: 2009 gelding, DWA Darius (Darwinn by Ala Croixnoire X DWA Sabforta by Sabson) and his owner, Esty Sweet-Dale,
completed the 50 mile rides on Day 1 and Day 2 at the 2017 Death Valley Ride. (Photo by Steve Bradley)
Photo on right: DWA Darius and Esty completed the 50 mile ride on day 2 of the 2017 Sesenta Anos Pioneer ride as well as the
50 mile ride on day 1 of the 2017 Coso Junction ride. (Photo by Lynne Glazer)
Photo on left: DWA Zifhaffir (Haffir el Rimal X DWA WH Zinfandel by Sabson) owned by Robert Bouttier and ridden by Beth Nicholes
(Foundations and Beyond Horsemanship) completed his 3rd 50 mile endurance ride at Day 1 of the 2017 Old Selam ride.
DWA Zifhaffir and Beth placed 3rd in the 55 mile ride on day 3 of the 2017 Owyhee Canyonlands ride and received the BC award
and the High Vet Score. DWA Zifhaffir completed his 5th 50/55 mile endurance ride at the 2017 Owyhee Hallowed Weenies ride
with Beth. DWA Zifhaffir had a successful 2017 ride season completing 265 endurance miles with Beth. (Photo by Merri Melde)
Photo on right: DWA Saruq (DWA Ziffalat X DWA Ebony Starr by Sabson) owned and ridden by Connie Holloway, completed the 50 mile
ride on Day 1 and finished the 25 mile ride on Day 2 in 2nd place at the 2017 Old Selam. DWA Saruq and Connie both completed
their first 100 mile endurance ride at the 2017 Owyhee Canyonlands and AHA Distance Nationals. DWA Saruq and Connie
placed 3rd at the 2017 Owyhee Hallowed Weenies ride. DWA Saruq has had a successful 2017 endurance season with Connie,
completing 665 endurance miles, making his total endurance miles 1,990. (Photo by Merri Melde)
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